RAD Muzik

Le Nouvelliste

At Fokal, this past Friday, June 24th, was the climax, the final celebration with fireworks. The festival culminated with a beautiful show. The flyers featured two major individuals, true glories of Haitian music: scholarly composer and violinist Daniel Bernard Roumain, accompanied by pianist Yayoï Ikawa; and ethnologist, Vodou priest, dancer, singer, and actor emeritus Erol Josué Emeritus, supported by his group Nègès Fla vodou and the tambours d’Haïti. A Guitarist and pianist were his guests.

Daniel Bernard Roumain, a Haitian American, was born in Skokie, Illinois in 1970. He has been playing the violin since the age of 5 and holds a doctorate in composition from the University of Michigan. He is a postmodern creator interested in African-American popular music, the distorted sounds of “rock” and cyber. He does not love less the music of Haiti, the country of origin of his parents. He sees himself as a Haitian. He approached this encounter from a scholarly, elaborated and familiar angle. Playing the electric violin and viola, not

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