From humble roots, Elida soars.



Key Players

Song and Video Releases

Performance Highlights

Stage Plot/Rider



Elida Almeida, born on February 15, 1993, in the remote village of Kebrada on the island of Santiago, Cabo Verde, embarked on her musical journey from humble beginnings. Raised by her grandparents in a place devoid of roads and electricity, she found joy and connection through battery-powered radios. Her move to the island of Maio marked a turning point, where she contributed to her family’s livelihood by selling fruits and vegetables. Despite challenges, Elida’s roots in Santiago and her emancipation on Maio shaped her unique perspective and inspired her musical exploration.


Elida Almeida, the rising star of Cabo Verdean music, made a significant impact with her debut album, “Ora doci, Ora margos” (Sweet Moment, Bitter Moments) in 2015. At 25, she exhibits remarkable maturity, talent, and generosity. Elida’s second album, “Kebrada,” released in 2017, further solidified her reputation. As a mother at 17, she defied challenges, continued her studies, and honed her musical skills in the heat of Maio. Discovered by José da Silva, founder of the Lusafrica label, Elida’s fresh and warm voice gained immediate success, especially with the track “Nta Konsigui.”


Elida Almeida’s artistic journey is enriched by collaborations with key players in her musical landscape. Her guitarist and arranger, Hernani Almeida, played a crucial role in crafting the album “Kebrada.” The supporting musicians on stage, including Nelida da Cruz (bass), Diego Gomes (keyboards), and Magik Santiago (drums), contribute to the vibrant and diverse soundscape. Distinguished guests, such as Vincent Segal on cello, the sons of Codé di Dona on gaita and ferrinho, and accordionist Regis Gizavo, enhance the album’s richness with their unique contributions.

Mamadou Diabate's Percussion Mania
Song and Video Releases

Stage Plot/Rider

Elida Almeida’s live performances are a testament to her dynamic and international style. On stage, she is accompanied by a talented ensemble, including Hernani Almeida on guitars, Nelida da Cruz on bass, Diego Gomes on keyboards, and Magik Santiago on drums. This core group creates the foundation for Elida’s energetic and genre-blending performances. Noteworthy guests, such as Vincent Segal, the sons of Codé di Dona, and Regis Gizavo, may join her on stage for special collaborations. The stage plot and rider ensure a seamless and captivating live experience, showcasing the fusion of Cabo Verdean beats with international influences that define Elida Almeida’s musical identity.

For more information, visit Elida Almeida’s official website, explore her videos on YouTube, and connect with her on Facebook and Spotify. The albums “Kebrada,” “Djunta Kudjer” EP, and “Ora doci Ora margos” are available on Lusafrica.


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